NiN landscape types released

April 2nd marks the official release of the new landscape classification of NiN (Nature in Norway), freely available from

NiN landscape describes landscape types and gradients that are present in Norway. Ecosystems, land forms and man-made objects form landscape elements in the classification.

The classification of landscape types in NiN aims to be value-neutral and reproducible, forming a reference framework for more specific landscape analyses.

The map is available in three levels of detail, separating marine, coastal, and inland landscapes into finer landscape types.

Further description of the system is found at the Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre, and the map can be accessed through their portal


The NiN landscape classification of Norway. Screenshot from
A closer look at the NiN landscape types of south-western Norway. Screenshot from

The landscape classification can be cited as Erikstad, L., Halvorsen, R. & Simensen, T. 2019. Natur i Norge (NiN) versjon 2.2. Inndelingen i landskapstyper. - Artsdatabanken, Trondheim.

Emneord: NiN, Landskap, Landscape classification, artsdatabanken Av Eva L. Eriksen
Publisert 3. apr. 2019 09:12 - Sist endret 26. mars 2024 13:25