EMERALD kickoff

The project 'Terrestrial ecosystem-climate interactions of our EMERALD planet' had its kickoff meeting last week in the historic Domus Academica in Oslo.

GEco, and NHM, is one of many partners in a new project funded by the Norwegian Research Council. At the kickoff last week, researchers and students, along with international network members, went through the scientific background and challenges we wish to tackle throughout this project.

EMERALD's main objective is to improve representation of high latitude ecosystems and their climate interactions in the Norwegian Earth System model (NorESM). There are four work packages dealing with observational data, model development, NorESM applications, and dissemination of results and earth systems science.

The main contributions from GEco will be in the model development, observational data and dissemination work packages. The NHM's Climate House will be an important arena for outreach.

A webpage is being made, but follow EMERALD on Twitter in the meantime!


Blue Marble Imagery by Reto Stöckli (NASA Earth Observatory) http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov
Our planet, with blue oceans, white clouds and emerald green vegetation. Image: Reto Stöckli (NASA Earth Observatory)


Emneord: EMERALD, Ecological climatology, biogeoscience, interdisciplinary research, NorESM, CLM Av E.L. Eriksen
Publisert 13. mai 2019 10:30 - Sist endret 6. apr. 2022 14:25