Paper out in Nature Climate Change on the complexity of arctic greening

et bjørketre i fjellandskap

Tre treeline is creeping upwards as the climate warms.

Foto: Anders Bryn 2019

GEco's Anders Bryn is among the co-authors of a new paper out in Nature Climate Change: Complexity revealed in the greening of the Arctic. Isla H. Myers-Smith and Jeffrey T. Kerby are the lead authors of the paper.

As climate change warms the Arctic, satellite images reveal widespread greening of these northern ecosystems.

This trend is one of the major large-scale responses of vegetation to climate change, clearly visible from space. Because of feedback mechanisms between ecosystems and the climate system, Arctic greening could alter the global surface energy budget and soil carbon storage.

At first glance, one might think this 'greening of the Arctic' is as simple as vegetation growing better in a warmer climate. The paper reveals that the the underlying processes and trends are more complex, and largely dependent on scale.

Both remotely sensed and ecological data on the ground is needed to understand the trends, but can be difficult to combine in practice. To start with, the two research fields use different definitions of what greening means.

The authors sum up the challenges of observing and interpreting the greening trends, and set out to reconcile the remote sensing and ecological perspectives.

Congratulations to the authors on getting their paper published. In addition to Anders, our colleagues Frode Stordal, Jarle W. Bjerke, Hans Tømmervik and Frans-Jan Parmentier in LATICE and EMERALD were also involved in this paper.

Emneord: climate change, Treelines, Arctic, Acrtic greening, EMERALD, LATICE Av E. Lieungh
Publisert 1. feb. 2020 11:28 - Sist endret 14. sep. 2021 08:52