Reliability in Distribution Modeling

3d-modell av havet, båt, strømmer, bunn, instrumenter, organismer

Sources of uncertainty when collecting marine data from a boat. Figure 3 from the paper.

Foto: Bryn et al. 2021/Jan Heuschele

Anders Bryn, Trine Bekkby, Eli Rinde, Hege Gundersen, and Rune Halvorsen's paper on reliability in distribution modelling is out now in Fronitiers in Ecology and Evolution. The review links the most common sources of uncertainties to different phases in the modeling process.

Conceived by Bryn and Bekkby after teaching a course in distribution modelling over several years, this paper has been in process for a while. It is a review of uncertainties throughout the distribution modeling process, from problem formulation, data collection, to choice of modeling method, evaluation and, finally, implementation and use.

A key message from the paper is that the entire distribution modeling process must be considered when the reliability and applicability of the models are assessed.


Emneord: Distribution modelling, Map quality, data collection, study design Av Eva Lieungh
Publisert 10. des. 2021 10:48