What explains inconsistencies in field-based ecosystem mapping?

Lygra was one of the four areas that was mapped. Foto: Eva Lieungh
Lygra was one of the four areas that were mapped. Foto: Eva Lieungh

During the summers of 2020 and 2021, the GEco group and associates travelled to Finnmark and Vestland for team building and to conduct research. Four areas were mapped according to Nature in Norway (NiN) by 16 fieldworkers and afterwards the variability, or inconsistency, among the maps created by the different mappers was analyzed.

The average inconsistency among the maps was 50%, although there was large variation within and among the four areas. Fortunately but not surprisingly, maps made by experienced mappers were the most similar. So is more experience the key to obtain more reliable ecosystem maps?

Examples of four ecosystem maps made by four mappers with Nature in Norway (NiN) methodology in scale 1:5,000.
Emneord: vegetation mapping, NiN, variability, GIS Av Adam E. Naas
Publisert 16. juni 2023 13:08 - Sist endret 16. juni 2023 13:08