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Masteroppgaver (MSc) i paleontologi ved Naturhistorisk museum

Available master projects Spitsbergen Mesozoic Research Group (SMRG)

SMRG are currently working on describing material from the Early-Middle Triassic of Svalbard, and we have many projects available for master students . We are happy to discuss other opportunities, so do not hesitate to contact Aubrey Roberts a.j.roberts@nhm.uio.no , Jørn H. Hurum j.h.hurum@nhm.uio.no or Lene L. Delsett l.l.delsett@nhm.uio.no if you have questions or wish to apply for the projects. Projects are noted as being either more biology or geology focused, this is a guideline and not a background requirement. Read more about our Svalbard project(s).

We are an open and welcoming group and we are very happy to adapt projects to individual needs or wants. Some projects require fieldwork, others only lab work. For fieldwork, prior outdoor experience in mountainous terrain or in the Arctic is required due to HSE risks in remote areas.

Bildet kan inneholde: organisme.

Cryopterygius kristiansenae, a Jurassic ichthyosaur from the Slottsmøya Member, Agardhfjellet Formation, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway. Skeleton as preserved is 4.6 metres in length.

We are currently offering the following master projects:

  1. Description of the Synechondiform material from the Early Triassic Grippia level bone bed (Biology focused)

Synechondiform sharks have been described from the Early Triassic of Spitsbergen (Bratvold et al., 2018, Norwegian Journal of Geology 98) and likely represent at least one new taxon. This project involves examining the collections for new material of synchondiformes and determine whether these represent a new taxon or if it can be referred to a known genus/species.   

  1. Preliminary description of the bony fish material from the Early Triassic Grippia level bone bed (Biology focused)

The material from the Grippia bone bed includes a vast amount of Osteichthyes material. This project will provide the preliminary research needed to determine the type and number of taxa present in the Grippia bone bed. Statistical approaches will be utilised to examine the structure of the ecosystem.

  1. Description and taxonomy of Middle Triassic mixosaurid ichthyosaurs from Svalbard.  (Biology focused)

Multiple mixosaurid ichthyosaur specimens have been collected from the Botneheia Fm. of Svalbard. Methods for acid and physical preparation developed at the NHM (UiO) will be utilised by the candidate to allow for in-depth description of the material. The aim will be to use these specimens to redescribe the Mixosauridae family and identify diagnostic features of the two genera Mixosaurus and Phalarodon. Experience with phylogenetic analyses is recommended, but not required.

  1. Depositional environment and description of micro- bone beds from the Early and Middle Triassic of Svalbard. (Geology focused)

Layers of “fish hash” have been discovered overlying bone beds in Spitsbergen. These include a large amount of small bones, teeth and scales from predominantly bony fish and chondrichthyans. The aim of this project is to discuss the sedimentology and depositional environment of the “fish hash” layers,  and to conduct a comparison of the deposition and preservation of the Early and Middle Triassic deposits. This project requires some experience  with sedimentology.

  1. Description of micro vertebrate fossils from the bone beds from the Early and Middle Triassic of Svalbard. (Biology focused)

Layers of “fish hash” have been discovered overlying bone beds in Spitsbergen. These include a large amount of small bones, teeth and scales from predominantly bony fish and chondrichyians. The aim of this project is to describe the fauna present in these layers and compare differences and similarities in faunal composition between the Early and Middle Triassic “fish hash” layers.  

  1. Palaeopathology and evidence of feeding behaviors in Triassic marine reptiles. (Biology focused)

In the Early Triassic Grippia bone bed, numerous bone elements have been recovered indicating feeding behaviour and/or evidence of healing from injuries. The aim of this project is to describe the material and discuss the causes and implications this may have on the palaeobiology and palaeoecology of the ecosystem. Micro-CT scanning will be used for this project. The student will be expected to acquire the necessary skill set for working with computed tomography data. 

  1. Palynology and isotope stratigraphy from the Early Triassic successions on Svalbard and correlation with previous studies. (Geology focused)

The student will describe the sedimentology of the Early Triassic to further our understanding of the palaeoenvironment. . The project includes fieldwork to collect and analyse sediment samples from our field areas in west Spitsbergen and correlate these using isotope analysis to known and published results in the Boreal Sea as well as globally.

8. Project: ECHO. Evolutionary Convergence in Historical Oceans: The case of whales and ichthyosaurs, 6 different possibkle themes. Main supervisor: Lene Liebe Delsett

All are 60 credits, but can be adapted if necessary.

8A. Bone microstructure of ichthyosaurs and whales

Vertebrate skeletons have many functions, and their structure is influenced by ontogeny, locomotion and the environment. By looking at the inner microstructure of the bones of fossil ichthyosaurs, we can understand more about how they grew, swam and reproduced.

Several master thesis projects are available to study inner bone microstructure of limb and girdle elements of extinct ichthyosaurs and modern whales. This is part of the work in the research project ECHO,  where we study the convergent evolution of these two groups. We will determine the timing and order of evolutionary innovations that led to the thunniform body shape, and correlate temporal events with changes to inner bone microstructure.

Research aims:
Map the inner microstructure of ichthyosaur and/ or whale limb and girdle elements (such as porosity, tissue types, growth signatures)
Calculate its relation to locomotion pattern and buoyancy
Detect the amount of convergence

Microstructure can be studied in many ways; using classical thin sections, CT scanning or acetate peels, and we aim to combine several methods. Through this project you will learn about the inside of the vertebrate skeleton, adaptations to marine life and convergent evolution.

8B. The vertebral column in marine tetrapods

The vertebral column is the single most characteristic trait of all vertebrates. Still, there are many unanswered questions with regard to its growth and evolution, especially for secondarily marine vertebrates. Ichthyosaurs were Mesozoic marine reptiles that evolved a body shape very much like modern toothed whales, and had a series of disk-shaped vertebrae. This project will describe the shape and proportions of fossil vertebrae of Late Jurassic ichthyosaurs from Svalbard. It will also map the relation between outer and inner bone characteristics. This master project is part of the research project ECHO, where we study the convergent evolution of whales and ichthyosaurs.

Research aims:
Scientific description and comparison of six ichthyosaur vertebral columns
Map the extent of regionalization in ophthalmosaurid ichthyosaurs
How does the outer morphology of the vertebrae match inner bone microstructure?
Do ichthyosaurs and whales show the same adaptations?

The six vertebral columns are prepared, and will be photographed, measured and CT scanned, and scientifically described. Through this project you will work on comparative anatomy of the vertebral column and its relation to evolution and locomotion in marine tetrapods.   

8C. Late Jurassic ichthyosaurs from Spitsbergen

Ichthyosaurs were Mesozoic marine reptiles that evolved a body shape very much like modern toothed whales. At Svalbard, 26 ichthyosaur specimens from the Jurassic age have been excavated, and some of them are still not scientifically understood. Three ichthyosaur specimens are in need of being documented and described. Two of these need preparation, which can be part of the master project. This master is part of the research project ECHO.

Research aims:
Scientific description of the undocumented ichthyosaurs
What species of ichthyosaurs are these specimens?
How are they phylogenetically related to other ichthyosaur taxa?

Through this project, you can learn fossil vertebrate preparation, in addition to solving the puzzle of what ichthyosaurs these are. You will use skeletal data and comparison to other taxa, focusing on the comparative anatomy of vertebrate evolution and adaptations to marine life. It can be possible to combine physical preparation with CT data.

8D. Body proportions in streamlined marine predators

The most obvious convergence between whales and ichthyosaurs indicative of coinciding ecological roles is their body shape. Also shared by several fish species, this hydrodynamic profile has been optimized to reduce drag, with a streamlined length roughly 4.5 times that of its max. diameter, the “thunniform” body shape facilitates fast, sustained swimming to catch prey. However, the actual body proportions and scaling between different skeletal elements is unknown for many taxa. This project will map the size of different body parts (skull, vertebral column, fins) in ichthyosaurs and toothed whales, enabling a comparison between the two. This master is part of the research project ECHO, where we study the convergent evolution of these two groups.

Research aims:
Do modern toothed whales and dolphin-looking ichthyosaurs share the same skeletal proportions?
Are fins and tails used in the same way for speed and manoeuvring?
How does skull size evolve?

The data for this project will be collected from museum specimens of fossil ichthyosaurs and modern toothed whales. You will collect size and shape data from a number of selected groups, and compare statistically.

8E. Body size in a fossil assemblage of marine reptiles

Body size is one of the most apparent and important features in organismal biology, influencing many aspects of physiology, ecology and life history. Ichthyosaurs were Mesozoic marine reptiles that evolved a body shape very much like modern toothed whales. At Svalbard, 26 ichthyosaur specimens from the Jurassic age have been excavated, from a time span of approx. 12 million years. This project will study the body size within the assemblage.

Research aims:
What is the range of body sizes in this assemblage?
What controls the body size of these ichthyosaurs; ontogeny, taphonomy or ecology?How does the body size composition compare to other assemblages worldwide?

This project will use skeletal measurement data for the ichthyosaurs from the Slottsmøya Member. It will be necessary to combine measurements for different body parts, and compare these in a statistically robust way. This master is part of the research project ECHO.

Other possible projects

We also have several specimens of Late Jurassic marine reptiles from Svalbard that could be used for descriptive and taxonomy-based master projects (Ichthyosaurs and Plesiosaurs). Many of these specimens will require a large amount of preparation work, feel free to contact Aubrey or Jørn if this is of interest.


Marine faunas in the Holocene of the Oslofjord area – climate, sea level, faunal invasion

Marine sediments of the Holocene (last 10,000 years) in the Oslofjord area are now widely exposed on land because of relative drop in sea level. These clays and sands are rich in well-preserved fossils of bivalves, gastropods and other invertebrates, recording dramatic changes in climate, sea level and ecology through time. These faunas have not been extensively studied for more than a hundred years (Brøgger 1901). Since then, our understanding of Holocene climate and ecology has increased enormously, and methods have vastly improved regarding e.g. radiocarbon dating, geochemistry for climate reconstruction, and ecological and stratigraphic data analysis.

We believe that the Holocene marine faunas in the Oslofjord area can provide a fruitful field of research into the ecology of environmental change. Since the taxa are the same as in our time, the Holocene data can be used as good analogues for modern processes, and possibly inform predictions about marine faunal responses to anthropogenic warming, sea level rise and faunal invasion such as that of the Pacific oyster.

We need several MSc students (biology or geology) to carry out a pilot study, giving you a unique opportunity to open up a new area of research. Old localities must be rediscovered, so some treasure hunting will be required! Projects include:

1. The Preboreal invertebrate faunas of the Oslofjord area

This project will focus on the first invertebrates to colonize the area after the ice cap receded, especially the bivalves, crustaceans and foraminifera near the so-called “marine limit”, i.e. the locally highest sea-level during deglaciation. What can the taxonomic composition of the faunas (often with Mytilus and barnacles), size distributions, sediment properties and geochemistry tell us about the early Holocene succession during rapid climatic warming and sea-level drop? The material will come from field work at localities around Oslo as well as from museum collections. The data will be used for ecological data analysis, especially ordinations and diversity analysis, and some biogeographical analysis and plotting (GIS).

Kontaktperson: Øyvind Hammer

Paleoøkologi i Braksøyaformasjonen, silur, Oslofeltet

Koraller og svamper i Braksøyaformasjonen, Kapitelberget, Skien. Foto Sven Dahlgren

Braksøyaformasjonen er en meget fossilrik kalkstein som har vært tolket som fossile ”patch”-rev. Gode lokaliteter finnes bl.a. på Ringerike og ved Skien. Det har vært gjort en del taksonomiske arbeider på bl.a. koraller i denne formasjonen, og også sedimentologi, men hittil ingen økologiske studier hvor man tar for seg faunaen som helhet.

Oppgaven vil bestå i detaljert datainnsamling og kartlegging i felt, fotografering, preparering og identifisering, samt statistisk analyse med henblikk på artssammensetning og biodiversitet. Er det mulig å identifisere økologiske soner innenfor hver struktur (inter-rev, revfront, revtopp, lagune)? Hvordan er disse relatert til dyp, lys og energi? Kan det identifiseres suksesjoner, dvs. konsistente rekkefølger av av kolonisering? Finnes det trender på større skala (Ringerike-Porsgrunn)?

Oppgaven egner seg for en biologi- eller geologistudent med interesse for marinbiologi, økologi eller paleontologi.

Kontaktperson: Øyvind Hammer

Hydrostatikk og ontogenese hos endoceratider

Modell av endoceratid cephalopode, med utskjæring som viser septer og sifo. Ill: Øyvind Hammer

Blekkspruter med rett skall er viktige og vanlige fossiler, med mange beskrevne arter. Det har vært vanlig å forestille seg at disse svømte med skallet horisontalt, men det har nylig blitt klart at en vertikal orientering er mer sannsynlig hos en del former. Likevel tror vi fortsatt at bl.a. endoceratidene, som var vanlige i ordovicium, svømte horisontalt. Dette er basert på spesielle morfologiske trekk hos denne gruppen. Er dette korrekt? Hvilken rolle spilte opplagring av ”ballastmateriale” under veksten?

Oppgaven består i studier på fossilt materiale, og enkel matematisk modellering av balanse og oppdrift. Dette vil innebære noe programmering. Tilsvarende arbeid gjøres for øyeblikket for andre fossile cephalopoder av en gruppe i Sveits, og samarbeid med disse vil være naturlig.

Oppgaven egner seg for en biologi- eller geologistudent med litt interesse for matematikk.

Kontaktperson: Øyvind Hammer

Lokal veksthastighet i septer i ammonoideer – ontogenetiske og fylogenetiske konsekvenser

Modell av septe (kammerskillevegg) fra ammonitt. Ill: Øyvind Hammer

Ammonoideer er utdødde cephalopoder som betraktes som modellorganismer i studier av evolusjon, på grunn av stor artsrikdom, hurtig evolusjon og gode fossile data. Septene (kammerskilleveggene) er kompliserte, og følger interessante ontogenetiske og fylogenetiske trender.

Oppgaven består i preparering av fossiler, morfometrisk oppmåling (laserscanner eller koordinatmålemaskin), og beregning av lokal veksthastighet. Tolkning med henblikk på sammenhenger mellom ontogenese og fylogenese (heterokroni). Prosjektet vil kunne innebære samarbeid med en forskningsgruppe i Sveits.

Studenten bør ha noe bakgrunn i informatikk, og gjerne interesse for 3D datagrafikk.

Kontaktperson: Øyvind Hammer

”Geologiske” oppgaver


Relevante paleontologiske kurs:

Relevante biologikurs:

Prøv også kurskatalogen for geofag og biofag dersom pekerne til de enkelte kursene ikke fungerer. Litt informasjon for skoleelever som vurderer en utdannelse innen geologi.

Publisert 30. jan. 2009 17:32 - Sist endret 28. juni 2023 12:44