BioDATA symposium in Oslo

BioDATA symposium for partner universities, ForBio, and GBIF in the spring of 2021.

Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden in Oslo by Helge Høifødt CC BY SA 3.0

The final seminar for partner universities, ForBio and GBIF, is planned in the spring of 2021.


Typically, established researchers, museum curators and collection managers are involved in data management and data publishing to national and global biodiversity data facilities. By training early career (student) biodiversity scholars, we will efficiently turn the current academic and education landscape into more open-data- friendly one. The closing event will focus on addressing students from the University of Oslo. Four students from each BioDATA partner country will be able to participate and to present their studies and data activities as dataset publications through and/or as data papers, an emerging and student-friendly publication type. GBIF Norway with the support from the GBIF Secretariat will act as data publishing facilitator.

Emneord: BioDATA, GBIF
Publisert 11. apr. 2022 20:26