Speciation Clock

How fast does the "speciation clock" tick in selfing versus outcrossing lineages?

Foto: Magnus Popp

Artene er de mest grunnleggende enhetene i naturen. I våre dager opplever vi at antallet arter dør ut i et foruroligende tempo. Formålet med dette prosjektet er å forstå artsdannelse og hvor hurtig det skjer. Dette skal foregå ved å sammenligne arters utvikling på ulike fjelltopper i Afrika. Fjelltoppene er helt isolert fra hverandre både geografisk og ved at de lavereliggende områdene har helt andre plante og dyresamfunn. Dermed fungerer toppen som naturlige laboratorier. 


Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Huseby, Lise Grønnerød (2023). How fast does the speciation clock tick in outcrossing lineages?
  • Gehrke, Berit; Brochmann, Christian; Kandziora, Martha; Popp, Magnus; Gizaw, Abel & Pirie, Michael David (2023). I Olov Hedbergs fotspor - Plantenes evolusjon i det afrikanske høyfjellet. Årbok for Universitetsmuseet i Bergen. ISSN 1893-1944. 40, s. 72–84.
  • Gustafsson, Lovisa (2023). Evolution of Reproductive Isolation in Arctic Plant Lineages (Keynote speaker).
  • Gustafsson, Lovisa (2023). A surprising finding in an Arctic mustard changing the view of speciation.
  • Seid, Abel Gizaw (2023). Revisiting Time-Honored Hypotheses of Plant Evolution in the Tropical African Sky Islands: In the Footsteps of Olov Hedberg.
  • Birkeland, Siri (2023). Adaptation and Speciation in Arctic Extremophile Plants.
  • Birkeland, Siri (2023). What drives the rapid evolution of reproductive isolation in Arctic plants?
  • Birkeland, Siri; Gustafsson, A Lovisa S; Gizaw, Abel ; Chala, Desalegn ; Fraccasetti, Marco & Brazier, Thomas [Vis alle 13 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2022). What drives the rapid buildup of sterility barriers in the Arctic crucifer Draba nivalis?
  • Seid, Abel Gizaw; Tusiime, Felly Mugizi; Gussarova, Galina; Nemomissa, Sileshi; Popp, Magnus & Masao, Catherine [Vis alle 12 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2022). Afro-alpine flagships revisited: Parallel adaptation, intermountain admixture and shallow genetic structuring in the giant senecios (Dendrosenecio).
  • Zergabachew, Abush Zinaw; Bräuchler, Christian; Demissew, Sebsebe; Brochmann, Christian & Seid, Abel Gizaw (2022). Taxonomy, speciation and biogeographic history of the genus Satureja s. Lat. In the tropical eastern African ‘sky-islands’.
  • Brochmann, Christian; Seid, Abel Gizaw; Gelete, Desalegn Chala; Martha, Kandziora; Eilu, Gerald & Popp, Magnus [Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2022). History and evolution of the afroalpine flora: in the footsteps of Olov Hedberg.
  • Chala, Desalegn & Brochmann, Christian (2022). Tropical ‘alpine’ habitats: improper use of the term alpine?
  • Marie-Orleach, Lucas (2022). Quantifier les épisodes de sélection pré- et postcopulatoires.
  • Marie-Orleach, Lucas; Brochmann, Christian & Glémin, Sylvain (2022). Theoretical Predictions on the Effects of Self-Fertilisation on Speciation.
  • Kandziora, Martha; Gehrke, Berit; Popp, Magnus; Gizaw, Abel; Brochmann, Christian & Pirie, Michael David (2022). Young, disturbed, and usaturated: the enigmatic tropical alpine flora on the African sky islands.
  • Brochmann, Christian (2022). Recent and rapid speciation at the extremes: from the Arctic to tropical alpine Africa.
  • Marie-Orleach, Lucas (2022). Effects of Sexual Reproduction on Evolution: Sexual Selection, Sexual Isolation, and Self-Fertilisation.
  • Marie-Orleach, Lucas; Brochmann, Christian & Glémin, Sylvain (2022). Mating System and Speciation: Accumulation of Genetic Incompatibilities in Allopatry.
  • Marie-Orleach, Lucas; Brochmann, Christian & Glémin, Sylvain (2022). Theoretical Predictions on the Effects of Self-Fertilisation on Speciation.
  • Brochmann, Christian & Glémin, Sylvain (2022). Mating system and speciation – accumulation of genetic incompatibilities in allopatry.
  • Birkeland, Siri (2022). To what degree does hybridization facilitate evolutionary radiations in mountain areas? National Science Review. ISSN 2095-5138. 9(nwac288).
  • Chala, Desalegn (2021). Historical habitat connectivity, niche dynamics and evolution in a highly fragmented natural system, the African alpine ‘sky islands’.
  • Danielsen, Dag Inge & Birkeland, Siri (2021). Hun avdekker arktiske planters frosne hemmeligheter. Titan.uio.no.
  • Birkeland, Siri; Slotte, Tanja; Brochmann, Christian; Brysting, Anne Krag; Gustafsson, Lovisa & Nowak, Michael D (2021). What can the cold-induced transcriptomes of Arctic Brassicaceae tell us about the evolution of cold tolerance?
  • Danielsen, Dag Inge & Birkeland, Siri (2021). Hvordan klarer plantene seg i ekstrem kulde i Arktis? Forskning.no. ISSN 1891-635X.
  • Grindeland, Helene Bråten (2021). Plantenes prevensjon mot seg selv. Biolog. ISSN 0801-0722. 39(1), s. 36–37.
  • Marie-Orleach, Lucas; Brochmann, Christian & Glémin, Sylvain (2021). Mating System and Speciation – Accumulation of Genetic Incompatibilities in Allopatry.
  • Gizaw, Abel ; Gorospe, Juan Manuel; Kandziora, Martha; Chala, Desalegn ; Gustafsson, A Lovisa S & Zinaw, Abush [Vis alle 11 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2021). Is lack of phylogenetic resolution the hallmark of alpine radiation? Insights from the afro-alpine giants in Dendrosenecio (Senecioneae, Asteraceae).
  • Gustafsson, A Lovisa S (2020). Forskere forteller: På ekspedisjon til afrikanske himmeløyer.
  • Marie-Orleach, Lucas (2020). Transitions between Sexual Systems: Understanding the Mechanisms of, and Pathways between, Dioecy, Hermaphroditism and Other Sexual Systems. The Quarterly review of biology. ISSN 0033-5770. 95(1), s. 86–86.
  • Brochmann, Christian (2020). How fast does the plant 'speciation clock' tick in the African Sky Islands?
  • Gustafsson, A Lovisa S (2020). The Speciation Clock project How fast does the 'speciation clock' tick in selfing versus outcrossing lineages? .
  • Marie-Orleach, Lucas; Brochmann, Christian & Glémin, Sylvain (2020). How fast does the "speciation clock" tick in selfing versus outcrossing lineages?
  • Mairal, Mario; Namaganda, Mary; Gizaw, Abel ; Chala, Desalegn ; Brochmann, Christian & Catalan, Pilar (2020). Multiple mountain-hopping colonization of sky-islands on the two sides of Tropical Africa during the Pleistocene: the afroalpine Festuca grasses.
  • Martha, Kandziora; Gehrke, Berit; Popp, Magnus; Gizaw, Abel ; Brochmann, Christian & Pirie, Michael David (2020). Immigrants prevail: lessons from dating the Afroalpine flora.
  • Chala, Desalegn (2020). Historical climate change impacts on the African 'Sky Island' ecosystems and the enigmatic plants comprised in them.
  • Huseby, Lise Grønnerød; Nowak, Michael; Gustafsson, A Lovisa S; Brochmann, Christian & Brysting, Anne Krag (2019). How fast does the Speciation Clock tick?
  • Marie-Orleach, Lucas (2019). Sexual selection, indirect genetic effects and speciation.
  • Brochmann, Christian (2019). Project SpeciationClock: How fast does the plant 'speciation clock' tick in the African Sky Islands?
  • Marie-Orleach, Lucas (2019). Sexual selection, indirect genetic effects and speciation.
  • Flood, Pádraic J; Goktay, Mehmet; Tergemina, Emmanuel; Gywenne-Evans, David; Gustafsson, A Lovisa S & Telia, Habte [Vis alle 17 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2019). The genetic basis of convergent adaptation to altitude in Arabidopsis thaliana .
  • Chala, Desalegn & Brochmann, Christian (2019). Tropical ‘alpine’ habitats: improper use of the term alpine?
  • Gustafsson, A Lovisa S & Gizaw, Abel (2019). Speciation Clock-prosjektet: Feltarbeid i de afrikanske himmeløyer.
  • Brysting, Anne Krag (2019). Speciation and reproductive barriers.
  • Nowak, Michael (2019). Searching for patterns of Arctic plant adaptation in the genome of Draba nivalis (Brassicaceae).
  • Birkeland, Siri; Gustafsson, A Lovisa S; Brysting, Anne Krag; Brochmann, Christian & Nowak, Michael (2019). Same destination, but different roads? Overarching, but limited fine-scale molecular convergence in Arctic crucifers.
  • Mairal, Mario; Namaganda, Mary; Brochmann, Christian & Catalan, Pilar (2019). Colonization and diversification of wind-dispersed Festuca grasses in afro-alpine sky islands.
  • Brochmann, Christian (2018). Hvordan og hvor fort oppstår nye plantearter? [Internett]. https://titan.uio.no/node/2847.
  • Brochmann, Christian (2018). Alle snakker om arter som dør ut - men hvor fort dannes nye? Arktis og afrikanske høyfjell kan gi et svar. .
  • Gizaw, Abel & Brochmann, Christian (2018). Colonization, diversification and connectivity in the extremely fragmented African ‘Sky Island’ flora. .
  • Brochmann, Christian (2018). Hvor fort tikker artsdannelsesklokka? . [Internett]. NHMs nettsider https://www.nhm.uio.no/om/aktuelle-saker/2018.
  • Brochmann, Christian (2018). Fjellplanter og klima: rask artsdannelse, raske vandringer - og hvordan står det egentlig til med overvintringsteorien?
  • Brochmann, Christian (2018). Alle snakker om arter som dør ut - men hvor fort dannes nye? Arktis og afrikanske høyfjell kan gi et svar. .

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 2. feb. 2018 15:07 - Sist endret 11. apr. 2022 20:26