Vol. 6. Checklist of European Pteridophytes

Vol. 6. L.N. Derrick, A.C. Jermy & A.C. Paul: Checklist of European Pteridophytes. xx + 94 pp. (Jun. 1987).

ISBN 82-74-002-0. ISSN 0800-6865.

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This is the first comprehensive checklist of European pteridophytes produced from the computerised relational database originally set up by the European Taxonomic, Floristic and Biosystematic Documentation System. The place of publication, full synonymy and distribution of 329 accepted taxa are given. Hybrids are included with annotations on putative parentage. There is a comprehensive index to all plant names.

Keywords: Pteridophyta, Europe, checklist, distribution, new combinations, new species, Asplenium, Azolla, Cystopteris, Diphasiastrum, Dryopteris, x Dryopolystichum, Equisetum, Isoetes, Pteridium.

Lewis N. Derrick, Department of Botany, The University, Reading, England. Present address: 2O Copse View, East Preston, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN16 1AY, England.
A. Clive Jermy, Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, England.
Alison M. Paul, Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, England.

Publisert 17. okt. 2011 16:15 - Sist endret 6. apr. 2022 14:35