Vol. 27. The genus Nemania s.l. (Xylariaceae) in Norden

Vol. 27. A. Granmo, T. Læssøe & T. Schumacher: The genus Nemania s.l. (Xylariaceae) in Norden. 96 pp. (Sept. 1999).

ISBN 82-74200-0-038-1.ISSN 0800-6865.

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A taxonomic study of Nemania Gray, Entoleuca Syd. and Euepixylon Füisting (= Nemania s.l.; Xylariaceae) was carried out for the Nordic countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. No species of Nemania have been found in the remaining Norden: Iceland and the Faeroes. Fourteen species of Nemania s. str. were found in the area: Nemania aenea, N. aureolutea comb. n., N. atropurpurea, N. carbonacea, N. chestersii, N. colliculosa comb. n., N. confluens, N. diffusa, N. effusa, N. prava n. sp., N. reticulata comb. n., N. serpens, and two unknown species (Nemania spp. A and B) not formally described because of scanty material. In addition the two split-outs from Nemania, Entoleuca mammata and Euepixylon udum, are treated. A dichotomous key has been prepared and the species are reviewed alphabetically with comments on taxonomy, ecology and chorology. All species have been drawn, photographed and mapped. In addition to conventional taxonomic procedures, a selection of species from Nemania s.l., Biscogniauxia and Hypoxylon were subjected to an ITS nrDNA sequencing study. This study supported the delimitation of taxa as defined in this work, and confirms Nemania as different from Hypoxylon and Biscogniauxia. Four European Nemania taxa are still unknown in Norden: Nemania gwyneddii (Whalley, R.L. Edwards & S.M. Francis) Pouzar, N. illita (Schwein.) Pouzar, Nemania serpens (Pers.: Fr.) Gray var. macrospora (J.H. Mill.) Pouzar. The fourth taxon, Hypoxylon terricola J.H. Mill. certainly also belongs to Nemania.

Keywords: Ascomycota, chorology, ecology, Entoleuca, Euepixylon, Hypoxylon, key, molecular study, morphology, Nemania, Norden, Nordic countries, phylogeny, taxonomy, Xylariaceae.

Alfred Granmo, Tromsø Museum, University of Tromsø, N-9037 Tromsø. Norway (e-mail: alfredg@imv.uit.no).

Thomas Læssøe, Department of Mycology, Botanical Institute, Copenhagen University Øster Farimagsgade 2D, DK-1353 Copenhagen K, Denmark.

Trond Schumacher, Division of Botany and Plant Physiology, Department of Biology, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1045 Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway.

Publisert 17. okt. 2011 16:56 - Sist endret 6. apr. 2022 14:35