Publikasjoner Finn Ervik

Artikler i tidsskrifter med referee

Pettersson, S., J. T. Knudsen, F. Ervik. 2004. Floral scent of bat-pollinated species: West Africa vs. the New World. Biol. J. Linn. Soc.82: 161-168.

Ervik, F., J. T. Knudsen. 2003. Water lilies and scarabs: faithful partners for 100 million years? Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 80: 539-543.

Grimaldi, D., F. Ervik, R. Bernal. 2003. Two New Neotropical Genera of Drosophilidae (Diptera) Visiting Palm Flowers. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 76: 109-124.

Sambou, B., A. Goudiaby, F. Ervik, D. Diallo, M. C. Camara. 2002. Palm wine harvesting by the Bassari threatens Borassus aethiopum populations in north-western Guinea. Biodiversity and Conservation: 1149-1161.

Knudsen, J. T., L. Tollsten, F. Ervik. 2001. Flower scent and pollination in selected neotropical palms. Plant Biology 3: 642-653.

Barfod, A., F. Ervik, R. Bernal. 1999. Recent evidence on the evolution of phytelephantoid palms (Palmae). Mem. New York. Bot. Gard. 83: 265-277.

Ervik, F., A. Barfod. 1999. Thermogenesis in palm inflorescences and its ecological significance. Acta Bot. Venez. 22: 195-212.

Ervik, F. L. Tollsten, J. T. Knudsen. 1999. Floral scent chemistry and pollination ecology in phytelephantoid palms (Arecaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 217: 279- 297.

Ervik, F., J. P. Feil. 1997. Reproductive biology of the monoecious understory palm Prestoea schultzeana in Amazonian Ecuador. Biotropica 29: 309-317.

Johanson, K. A., F. Ervik. 1997. The dung fly genus Hydromyza (Diptera: Scathophagidae, Scathophaginae) recorded in Norway. Fauna norv. Sér. B. 44: 159-161.

Bernal, R., F. Ervik. 1996. Floral biology and pollination of the dioecious palms Phytelephas seemannii in Colombia: an adaptation to staphylinid beetles. Biotropica 28: 682-696.

Ervik, F., R. Bernal. 1996. Floral biology and insect visitation of the monoecious palm Prestoea decurrens on the Pacific coast of Colombia. Principes 40: 86-92

Ervik, F., S. S. Renner, K. A. Johanson. 1995. Breeding system and pollination of Nuphar luteum (L.) Smith (Nymphaeaceae) in Norway. Flora 190: 109-113.

Kapittel i symposium utgivelse med referee

Sambou, B., A. Goudiaby, F. Ervik, D. Diallo, M. C. Camara. 1998. Palm wine exploitation by the Bassari threatens Borassus aethiopum in Guinea. Abstract pp. 60-61. The annual meeting of the Society for Economic Botany. July 13-17, 1998.

Thione, L. A., F. Ervik. 1998. Impact of leaf and fruit harvest on the production of Borassus aethiopum in Senegal. Abstract pp 66-67. The annual meeting of the Society for Economic Botany. July 13-17, 1998.

Ervik, F. 1993. Notes on the phenology and pollination of the dioecious palms Mauritia flexuosa (Calamoideae) and Aphandra natalia (Phytelephantoideae) in Ecuador. In Barthlott W., C. Naumann, C. Schmidt-Loske, K. Schuchmann (Eds.). Animal-plant interactions in tropical environments, pp. 7-12. Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn.

Andre publikasjoner

Ervik, F., J. I. Lima. 2009. Guide, Rogaland Arboret. 88 sider.

Ervik, F. 2002. La tvilen komme naturvitenskapen til gode. Med engelsk oversettelse: Asking questions is good science. Reflexioner 1: 48-54,149-151.

Ervik, F., J. T. Knudsen. 1997/98. Plant reproductive biology. Teaching manual. 45 pp.

Bâ, A. T., B. Sambou, F. Ervik, A. Goudiaby, C. Camara, D. Diallo. 1997. Végétation et flore Parc Transfrontalier Niokolo Badiar. L'Imprimerie Saint-Paul, Dakar. 157 pp.

Ervik, F. 1993. Ukendte ressourcer i regnskoven. Regnskov 10(4): 4-6.

Ervik, F. 1993. Polinización de la palma productora del marfil vegetal (Phytelephantoideae). In Valencia, R., K. Romoleroux (Eds.). Trabajos Ecuatorianos en Botánica 1, p. 9. Proceedings from the Primer Congreso Ecuatoriano de Botánica, Quito.

Ervik, F. 1992. Regnskogens ukjente ressurser. Folkevett 14(3): 40-42.

Ervik, F. 1992. Nytt funn av Phyllitis scolopendrium (hjortetunge) i Mandal. Blyttia 4: 142.

Ervik, F., K. A. Johanson. 1988. Harmonien brutt på Bjørnøya?. Norsk Natur 24(3): 10-11.