Kjell Rasmus Bjørklund

Professor emeritus - Norsk senter for paleontologi
Bilde av Kjell Rasmus Bjørklund
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Besøksadresse NHM-Økern Kabelgata 40 0580 Oslo
Postadresse Postboks 1172 Blindern 0318 OSLO


Utdannet ved Mat-Nat Fak UiB 1972 cand. real. Fag marin geologi og marin biologi.

Undervisnings- og veiledningsområder

Underviser i mikropaleontologi og veileder på master- og dr.-nivå.

Faglige kompetanseområder

Forskning på fjordenes utvikling etter siste istid, med fokus på mikrofossiler (radiolarier). Deltatt på tokt i Nord-Atlanteren, dyphavsboring, for analyser av radiolarienes forekomst og som temperatur indikator (klimautvikling de siste ca 3 mill år), samt til Norskehavet hvor formålet var å etablere en biostratigrafi som gjenspeiler viktige hendelser i Norskehavets 56 mill års utviklingshistorie og oppstart av den nordlige halvkules nedisning.

I løpet av de senere år er det utarbeidet en radiolariekatalog, under ledelse av og i samarbeid med Dr. Jane K. Dolven. Denne katalogen er i kontinuerlig utvikling og omtaler de viktigste radiolariene i Norskehavet, Californiagulfen og Nordishavet. Katalogen blir stadig utvidet og er valgt som nettsted for International Association of Radiolarian Paleontologists, hvor både levende og fossile radiolarier vil bli omtalt. For tiden er over 500 radiolariearter med i katalogen som omhandler artenes beskrivelser, illustrasjoner, utbredelse, synonymer og litteraturreferanser.

Nettadressen er www.Radiolaria.org

Emneord: Geologi, Mikropaleontologi, Radiolaria, Taksonomi, Paleoseanografi, Stratigrafi, Biostratigrafi, Kvartær, Holocen, Pleistocen, Neogen, Pliocen, Miocen, Paleogen, Oligocen, Eocen, Paleocen, Zoogeografi, Paleoøkologi, Database for radiolarier


  • Ikenoue, Takahito; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Krabberød, Anders Kristian; Nishino, Shigeto & Wassmann, Paul (2023). Radiolaria and Phaeodaria (siliceous Rhizaria) in south-western and northern Norwegian fjords during late summer 2016: dominant species and biomass in shallow-water assemblages. Polar Research. ISSN 0800-0395. 42. doi: 10.33265/polar.v42.9584. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ikenoue, Takahito; Kimoto, Katsunori; Nakamura, Yuriko; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Kuramoto, Naoki & Ueki, Masaaki [Vis alle 15 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2021). New evaluation of species-specific biogenic silica flux of radiolarians (Rhizaria) in the western Arctic Ocean using microfocus X-ray computed tomography. Limnology and Oceanography. ISSN 0024-3590. 66(11), s. 3901–3915. doi: 10.1002/lno.11928. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Hernández-Almeida, Iván; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Diz, Paula; Kruglikova, Svetlana B.; Ikenoue, Takahito & Matul, Alexander G. [Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2020). Life on the ice-edge: Paleoenvironmental significance of the radiolarian species Amphimelissa setosa in the northern hemisphere. Quaternary Science Reviews. ISSN 0277-3791. 248, s. 1–17. doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106565.
  • Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Kruglikova, Svetlana B. & Hammer, Øyvind (2019). The radiolarian fauna during the younger dryas–holocene transition in andfjorden, northern Norway. Polar Research. ISSN 0800-0395. 38. doi: 10.33265/polar.v38.3444.
  • Ikenoue, Takahito; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Fujiwara, Amane; Uchimiya, Mario; Kimoto, Katsunori & Harada, Naomi [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2019). Horizontal and vertical distribution of polycystine radiolarians in the western Arctic Ocean during the late summers of 2013 and 2015. Polar Biology. ISSN 0722-4060. 42(2), s. 285–305. doi: 10.1007/s00300-018-2421-3.
  • Krabberød, Anders Kristian; Orr, Russell; Bråte, Jon; Kristensen, Tom; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus & Shalchian-Tabrizi, Kamran (2017). Single cell transcriptomics, mega-phylogeny and the genetic basis of morphological innovations in Rhizaria. Molecular Biology and Evolution (MBE). ISSN 0737-4038. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msx075.
  • Ikenoue, Takahito; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Dumitrica, Paulian; Krabberød, Anders Kristian; Kimoto, Katsunori & Matsuno, Kohei [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2016). Two new living Entactinaria (Radiolaria) species from the Arctic province: Joergensenium arcticum n. sp. and Joergensenium clevei n. sp. Marine Micropaleontology. ISSN 0377-8398. 124, s. 75–94. doi: 10.1016/j.marmicro.2016.02.003.
  • Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Hatakeda, Kentaro; Kruglikova, Svetlana B. & Matul, Alexander G. (2015). Amphimelissa setosa (Cleve) (Polycystina, Nassellaria) - A stratigraphic and paleoecological marker of migrating polar environments in the northern hemisphere during the Quaternary. Stratigraphy. ISSN 1547-139X. 12(1), s. 23–37.
  • Ikenoue, Takahito; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Kruglikova, S.B.; Onodera, Jonaotaro; Kimoto, K. & Harada, N. (2015). Flux variations and vertical distributions of siliceous Rhizaria (Radiolaria and Phaeodaria) in the western Arctic Ocean: Indices of environmental changes. Biogeosciences. ISSN 1726-4170. 12(6), s. 2019–2046. doi: 10.5194/bg-12-2019-2015.
  • Burridge, Alice K. & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (2014). Inter- and intraspecific morphological variation of three Hexacontium (Radiolaria) species in three southern Norwegian fjords: H. gigantheum, H. pachydermum and H. enthacantum. Marine Micropaleontology. ISSN 0377-8398. 110, s. 72–82. doi: 10.1016/j.marmicro.2013.11.005.
  • Burridge, Alice K.; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Kruglikova, Svetlana B. & Hammer, Øyvind (2014). Inter- and intraspecific morphological variation of four-shelled Actinomma taxa (Radiolaria) in polar and subpolar regions. Marine Micropaleontology. ISSN 0377-8398. 110, s. 50–71. doi: 10.1016/j.marmicro.2013.10.004.
  • Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus & Itaki, Takuya (2014). Jørgensen’s polycystine radiolarian slide collection and new species. Journal of Micropalaeontology. ISSN 0262-821X. 33(1), s. 21–58. doi: 10.1144/jmpaleo2012-027.
  • Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Itaki, Takuya & Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne (2014). Per Theodor Cleve: A short résumé and his radiolarian results from the Swedish Expedition to Spitsbergen in 1898. Journal of Micropalaeontology. ISSN 0262-821X. 33(1), s. 59–93. doi: 10.1144/jmpaleo2012-024.
  • Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Kruglikova, S.B. & Anderson, O.R. (2012). Modern incursions of tropical Radiolaria into the Arctic Ocean. Journal of Micropalaeontology. ISSN 0262-821X. 31, s. 139–158. doi: 10.1144/0262-821X11-030.
  • Bråte, Jon; Krabberød, Anders Kristian; Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Ose, Randi Frida; Kristensen, Tom & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2012). Radiolaria Associated with Large Diversity of Marine Alveolates. Protist. ISSN 1434-4610. 163(5), s. 767–777. doi: 10.1016/j.protis.2012.04.004.
  • Hernández-Almeida, I.; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Sierro, F.J.; Filippelli, G.M.; Cacho, I. & Flores, J.A. (2011). A high resolution opal and radiolarian record from the subpolar North Atlantic during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (1067-779 ka): Palaeoceanographic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. ISSN 0031-0182. s. 1–22. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2011.05.049.
  • Kruglikova, Svetlana B.; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus & Hammer, Øyvind (2011). High rank taxa of Polycystina (Radiolaria) as environmental bioindicators. Micropaleontology. ISSN 0026-2803. 57(6), s. 483–489.
  • Krabberød, Anders Kristian; Bråte, Jon; Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Ose, Randi Frida; Klaveness, Dag & Kristensen, Tom [Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2011). Radiolaria Divided into Polycystina and Spasmaria in Combined 18S and 28S rDNA Phylogeny. PLOS ONE. ISSN 1932-6203. 6(8). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0023526.
  • Kruglikova, Svetlana B. & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (2010). Invasion of the Modern Polycystina (Euradiolaria) into the Arctic OCean: Paleoecological Aspects. Russian Journal of Biological Invasions. ISSN 2075-1117. 1(2), s. 95–101.
  • Kruglikova, Svetlana B.; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Hammer, Øyvind & Cortese, G. (2010). High-rank polycystine radiolarian taxa as temperature proxies in the Nordic Seas. Stratigraphy. ISSN 1547-139X. 7(4), s. 265–281.
  • Boltovskoy, Demetrio; Kling, Stanley A.; Takahashi, Kozo & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (2010). WORLD ATLAS OF DISTRIBUTION OF RECENT POLYCYSTINA (RADIOLARIA). Palaeontologia Electronica. ISSN 1935-3952. 13(3), s. 1–230.
  • Hatakeda, Kentaro & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (2009). Polycystine radiolarian assemblages from IODP Expedition 306 Site U1313 and U1314, a preliminary study. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists. ISSN 0287-0436. 14, s. 91–108.
  • Kruglikova, Svetlana B.; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Hammer, Øyvind & Anderson, O. Roger (2009). Endemism and speciation in polycystine radiolarian genus Actinomma in the Arctic Ocean: Descrition of two new species Actinomma georgii n. sp. and A. turidae n. sp. Marine Micropaleontology. ISSN 0377-8398. 72(1-2), s. 26–48. doi: 10.1016/j.marmicro.2009.02.004.
  • Yuasa, Tomoko; Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Mayama, Shigeki & Takahashi, Osamu (2009). Molecular phylogenetic position of Hexacontium pachydermum Jørgensen (Radioolaria). Marine Micropaleontology. ISSN 0377-8398. 73(1-2), s. 129–134. doi: 10.1016/j.marmicro.2009.08.001.
  • Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Dumitrica, Paulian; Dolven, Jane K. & Swanberg, Neil R. (2008). Joergensenium rotatile n. gen., n. sp. (Entactinaria, Radiolaria): its distribution in west Norwegian fjords. Micropaleontology. ISSN 0026-2803. 53(6), s. 457–468.
  • Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Lindqvist, Charlotte; Albert, Victor A.; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Yuasa, T. & Takahashi, O. [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2007). Molecular Diversity of Alveolates Associated with Neritic North Atlantic Radiolarians. Protist. ISSN 1434-4610. 158, s. 65–76. doi: 10.1016/j.protis.2006.07.004.
  • Itaki, Takuya & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (2007). Bailey's (1856) radiolarian types from the Bering Sea re-examined. Micropaleontology. ISSN 0026-2803. 52(5), s. 449–464.
  • Kruglikova, S.B.; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus & Zasko, D.N. (2007). Distribution of Polycystina (Euradiolaria) in the Bottom Sediments and Plankton of the Arctic Ocean and marginal Arctic Seas. Doklady Rossijskoj akademii estestvennyh nauk. ISSN 1728-1717. 415(2), s. 1–5.
  • Kruglikova, S.B.; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus & Zasko, D.N. (2007). Distribution of Polycystina (Euradiolaria) in the Bottom Sediments and Plankton of the Arctic Ocean and Marginal Arctic Seas. Doklady Biological sciences. ISSN 0012-4966. 415, s. 284–287.
  • Itaki, Takuya & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (2007). Conjoined radiolarian skeletons (Actinommidae) from the Japan Sea sediments. Micropaleontology. ISSN 0026-2803. 53(5), s. 371–389.
  • Stepanjants, S.D.; Cortese, G; Kruglikova, S.B. & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (2006). A review of bipolarity concepts: History and examples from Radiolaria and Medusozoa (Cnidaria). Marine Biology Research. ISSN 1745-1000. 2(3), s. 200–241.
  • Yuasa, T.; Takahashi, O.; Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Mayama, S.; Matsuoka, A. & Honda, D. [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2006). Phylogenetic position of the small solitary phaeodarians (Radiolaria) based on 18S rDNA sequences by single cell PCR analysis. Marine Micropaleontology. ISSN 0377-8398. 59, s. 104–114.
  • Channell, J.E.T.; Sato, T.; Kanamatsu, T.; Stein, R.; Malone, M. & Alvarez-Zarikian, C. [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2006). IODP Expeditions 303 and 306 Monitor Miocene- Quaternary Climate in the North Atlantic. Scientific Drilling. ISSN 1816-8957. s. 4–10.
  • Stein, R.; Kanamatsu, T.; Alvarez-Zarikian, C. & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (2006). North Atlantic Paleoceanography: The Last Five Million Years. EOS. ISSN 0096-3941. 87(13).
  • Harris, N.R.; And the IODP Expedition, Scientists & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (2006). Borehole Observatory Installations on IODP Expedition 306 Reconstruct Bottom-Water Temperature Changes in the Norwegian Sea. Scientific Drilling. ISSN 1816-8957. 2, s. 28–31.
  • Cortese, Giuseppe; Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Bjørklund, Kjell R & Malmgren, B.A. (2005). Late Pleistocene-Holocene radiolarian paleotemperatures in the Norwegian Sea based on Artificial Neural Networks. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. ISSN 0031-0182. 224, s. 311–332.
  • Stepanjants, S.D.; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Kruglikova, S.B. & Cortese, G (2005). The bipolar distributionof marine organisms with emphasis on Radiolaria and Cnidaria. Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute. ISSN 0206-0477. 308, s. 99–120.
  • Stepanjants, S. D.; Kruglikova, S.B. & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (2004). The Bipolar Distribution of Marine Organisms with Emphasis on Radiolaria and Cnidarians: A New Stage of Research. I Kafanov, A.I (Red.), General Questions of Biogeography: In Memories of the Academician O.G. Kusakina. Dalʹnauka. ISSN 5804404490. s. 124–178.
  • Stepanjants, S.D.; Kruglikova, S.B.; Bjørklund, Kjell R & Cortese, G (2004). The bioplar distribution of marine organisms with emphasis on Radiolaria and Cnidaria: A step forward. I Kafanov, A.l. (Red.), Theoretical problems of biogeography. To the memory of academician O.G. Kussakin. Maik Nauka/Interperiodica.
  • Cortese, Giuseppe; Bjørklund, Kjell R & Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne (2003). Polycystine Radiolarians in the Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian (GIN) Seas: Species and assemblage distribution. Sarsia. ISSN 0036-4827. 88, s. 65–88.
  • Bjørklund, Kjell R & Kruglikova, Svetlana (2003). Polycystine radiolarians in surface sediments in the Arctic Ocean basins and marginal seas. Marine Micropaleontology. ISSN 0377-8398. 49, s. 231–273.
  • Kruglikova, Svetlana & Bjørklund, Kjell R (2002). Class Sarcodina.In: List of species of free-living invertebrates of Eurasian Arctic seas and adjacent deep waters. Explorations of the Fauna of the Seas. ISSN 0368-007X. 51(59), s. 20–21.
  • Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Cortese, Giuseppe & Bjørklund, Kjell R (2002). A high-resolution radiolarian derived paleotemperature record for the Late Pleistocene-Holocene in the Norwegian Sea. Paleoceanography. ISSN 0883-8305. 17(4).
  • Stepanjants, S.D.; Chernova, N.V.; Lajus, J.A. & Bjørklund, Kjell R (2002). The first Russian scientific-fishery expedition (centenary of the Expedition for Fishery Research at the coast of Murman). Russian Journal of Marine Biology. ISSN 1063-0740. 28(4), s. 308–316.
  • Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne & Bjørklund, Kjell R (2001). An early Holocene peak occurrence and recent distribution of Rhizoplegma boreale (Radiolaria): A biomarker in the Norwegian sea. Marine Micropaleontology. ISSN 0377-8398. 42, s. 25–44.
  • Cortese, Giuseppe & Bjørklund, Kjell R (1999). Radiolarians from the cyclic Messinian diatomites of Falconara (Sicily, Italy). Geodiversitas. ISSN 1280-9659. 21(4), s. 593–624.
  • Stepanjants, S.D.; Bjørklund, Kjell R; Chernova, N.V.; Smirnov, I.S. & Lajus, J.A. (1999). Damperen "Andrei Perwoswanniy", et 100 års jubileum. Årbok for Universitetsmuseet i Bergen. ISSN 1893-1944. s. 69–75.
  • Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Cortese, G.; Swanberg, Neil R. & Schrader, Hans J (1998). Radiolarian faunal provinces in surface sediments of teh Greenland, Iceland and Norwegian (GIN) Seas. Marine Micropaleontology. ISSN 0377-8398. 35, s. 105–140.
  • Cortese, G. & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (1998). Morphometry and taxonomy of Hexacontium species from western Norwegian fjords. Micropaleontology. ISSN 0026-2803. 44(2), s. 161–172.
  • Cortese, G. & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (1998). The taxonomy of boreal Atlantic Ocean Actinommida (Radiolaria). Micropaleontology. ISSN 0026-2803. 44(2), s. 149–160.
  • Cortese, G. & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (1997). The morphometric variation of Actinomma boreale (Radiolaria) in Atlantic boreal waters. Marine Micropaleontology. ISSN 0377-8398. 29, s. 271–282.
  • van de Paverd, Pieter J. & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (1996). Preservation and density of Late Quaternary Radiolaira in piston-cores from the Banda Sea, Eastern Indonesia. Revista Española de Micropaleontología. ISSN 0556-655X. XXVIII(3).
  • Ciesielski, P.F. & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (1995). Ecology, morphology, startigraphy and the paleoceanographic significance of Cycladophora davisiana. Part II: Startigraphy in the North Atlantic (DSDP Site 609) and Labrador Sea (ODP Site 646B). Marine Micropaleontology. ISSN 0377-8398. 25, s. 67–86.
  • Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus & Ciesielski, P.F. (1994). Ecology, morphology, and the paleoceanographic significance of Cycladophora davisiana. Party I: Ecology and morphology. Marine Micropaleontology. ISSN 0377-8398. 24, s. 71–88.
  • Estep, K.W.; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Dale, T.; Heimdal, B.R.; Hertum, A.J.W. van & Hill, D. [Vis alle 10 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (1992). Deus Creavit; Linneaus Disposuit: An international effort to create a catalogue and expert system for the identification of protistan species. Sarsia. ISSN 0036-4827. 77, s. 275–285.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus & Kruglikova, S.B. (2011). Who told you that the Gulf Stream has stoped? The Radiolaria do not! Norsk Geologisk Forening Medlemsblad. 1, s. 7–8.
  • Bråte, Jon; Krabberød, Anders Kristian; Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Ose, Randi Frida; Kristensen, Tom & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2010). Diversity of unculturable Radiolaria and their symbionts revealed by 18S rDNA phylogeny.
  • Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Bråte, Jon; Krabberød, Anders Kristian; Klaveness, Dag & Shalchian-Tabrizi, Kamran (2009). Polycystina. Polycystine radiolarians.
  • Boltovskoy, Demetrio; Kling, Stanley A.; Takahashi, Kozo & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (2009). World atlas of distribution of Recent Polycystinea (Radiolaria).
  • Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Kruglikova, Svetlana B.; Anderson, O. Roger & Hammer, Øyvind (2009). New species and radiolarian assemblages in the Arctic OCean.
  • Takahashi, Osamu; Yuasa, Tomoko; Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus & Mayama, Shigeki (2009). Molecular phylogenetic position of Hexacontium pachydermum Jørgensen.
  • Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus & Itaki, Takuya (2009). Eugen Honoratus Jørgensen (1862-1938) - a botanist with a passion for radiolarians.
  • Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Itaki, Takuya & Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne (2009). Per Theodor Cleve - a pioneer in planktonology.
  • Kruglikova, Svetlana B.; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus & Anderson, O. Roger (2009). Evolution of communities and recent speciation of Radiolaria-Polycystina of the Arctic Ocean.
  • Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (2008). Radiolaria. I Gornitz, Vivian (Red.), Encyclopedia of Paleoclimatology and Ancient Environments. Radiolaria. Springer Science+Business Media B.V.. ISSN 978-1-4020-4551-6. s. 869–871.
  • Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus & Kruglikova, Svetlana (2008). Polycystina (Euradiolaria) in the Arctic Ocean: Evolution and speciation.
  • Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Kruglikova, Svetlana & Hatakeda, Kentaro (2007). Amphimelissa setosa (Polycystina, Nassellaria), its first occurrence, its stratigraphy and importance as a paleoecological signal in the north Atlantic.
  • Kruglikova, S.B. & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (2007). Polycystina (Euradiolaria) from the recent sediments of the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas.
  • Dolven, J.K.; Lindquist, C.; Albert, V.A.; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Yuasa, T. & Takahashi, O. [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2006). Putative symbiotic and parasitic alveolates in polycystine radiolarians and phaeodarians from Norwegian fjords.
  • Stein, R.; Kanamatsu, T.; Alvarez-Zarikian, C.; And the IODP Expedition, Scientists & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (2006). Late Neogene/Quaternary North Atlantic paleoceanography (IODP Expedition 306).
  • Yuasa, T.; Takahashi, K; Dolven, J.K.; Mayama, S.; Matsuoka, A. & Honda, D. [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2006). Phaeodarians found a home? Molecular phylogenetic study of Phaeodaria (Abstract p. 141).
  • Kruglikova, S.B. & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (2006). Peculiar polycystine radiolarian assemblages in Recent bottom sediments from the Arctic and Arctic-Boreal provinces (Abstract p. 78).
  • Itaki, T. & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (2006). "Twin skeletons" in actinommid radiolarians in the Japan Sea (Abstract p. 71).
  • Boltovskoy, D.; Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Kling, S.A. & Takahashi, K. (2006). WoRaDD (World Radiolarian Distributional Database):A worldwide compilation of all available recent radiolarian distributional and taxonomic data (Abstract p 42).
  • Dolven, J.K.; Lindquist, C.; Albert, V.A. & Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus (2006). A diversity of radiolarian symbionts and parasites revealed by small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences (Abstract p.41.
  • Kruglikova, S.B. & Bjørklund, Kjell R (2005). Basic pecularity of the Radiolaria-Polycystina assemblages of the Arctic and Arctic-Boreal area of the Ocean.
  • Kruglikova, S.B. & Bjørklund, Kjell R (2005). Radiolarians from the surface layer of the high latitude deepwater bottom sediments of the Arctic.
  • Bjørklund, Kjell R; Kruglikova, Svetlana; Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne & Cortese, Giuseppe (2005). Radiolarians in the high Northern Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean: Distribution in space and time.
  • Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Cortese, Giuseppe; Bjørklund, Kjell R & Malmgren, B.A. (2005). Paleoclimatic changes in the Norwegian Sea over the last 16.000 yrs. BP based on subfossil radiolarians.
  • Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus; Dolven, J.K.; Takahashi, O.; Yuasa, T. & Mayama, S. (2004). Radiolarian DNA: a progress report.
  • Bjørklund, Kjell R & Kruglikova, S.B. (2004). Composition, biogeographical analysis, ways of migration of Radiolarians to the Arctic Basin.
  • Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Cortese, Giuseppe; Bjørklund, Kjell R & Malmgren, B.A. (2004). Late Pleistocene-Holocene radiolarian paleotemperatures in the Norwegian Sea based on artificial neural networks.
  • Bjørklund, Kjell R (2003). Professor vil samarbeida med sogningar og japanarar: Sognefjorden er perfekt for forsking. [Avis]. Sogn Avis.
  • Cortese, Giuseppe; Bjørklund, Kjell R & Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne (2003). Species and assemblage distribution of Polycystine Radiolarians in recent sediments of the Nordic Seas.
  • Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Cortese, Giuseppe & Bjørklund, Kjell R (2003). Late Pleistocene-Holocene sea surface temperatures in the Norwegian Sea based on polycystine radiolarians.
  • Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Cortese, Giuseppe & Bjørklund, Kjell R (2003). Polycystine radiolarians as paleotemperature proxy during the Late Pleistocene-Holocene in the Norwegian Sea.
  • Ciecielski, P.F. & Bjørklund, Kjell R (2001). AGE AND DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF ZAIANGO CORE KZAI 10 (22 pp.). [Radio]. Gainesville.
  • Bjørklund, Kjell R & Kruglikova, Svetlana (2001). Polysystine radiolarier i dagens overflatesedimenter i Polhavet: Artssamfunn, alder ig innvandring.
  • Kruglikova, Svetlana & Bjørklund, Kjell R (2001). The Arctic Basin: Radiolaria and Paleoceanology (engelsk sammendrag).
  • Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Cortese, Giuseppe & Bjørklund, Kjell R (2001). Radiolarian paleotemperatures in the Norwegian Sea: the last 13.400 years.
  • Cortese, Giuseppe; Bjørklund, Kjell R & Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne (2001). Species and assemblage distribution of polycystine radiolarians in the Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian (GIN) Seas.
  • Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Weber, Mysti; Bjørklund, Kjell R; Pisias, Nick & Cortese, Giuseppe (2001). A comparison of radiolarian species in the Nordic Seas (Greenland, Iceland and Norwegian Seas) and the North Pacific Ocean.
  • Kruglikova, Svetlana & Bjørklund, Kjell R (2000). Polycystine Radiolarians in the Arctic Basin Surface Sediments.
  • Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne & Bjørklund, Kjell R (2000). An early Holocene peak occurrence and Recent distribution of Rhizoplegma boreale (Cleve) in the Nordic Seas.
  • Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Weber, Mysti; Bjørklund, Kjell R & Pisias, Nick (2000). A comparison of radiolarian species in the Nordic Seas (Greenland, Iceland and Norwegian Seas) and the Pacific Ocean.
  • Ciesielski, P.F. & Bjørklund, Kjell R (1999). AGE AND DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF ZAIANGO CORE KZAI 2 (20 pp.). [Radio]. Gainesville.
  • Bjørklund, Kjell Rasmus & Kruglikova, S.B. (1998). Structure of radiolarian assemblages on high rank taxa and species level from the recent sediments of the Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian Basins and Norwegian fjords.
  • Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Cortese, Giuseppe & Bjørklund, Kjell R (1998). Surface Sediment Radiolarian Faunal Provinces and a Paleotemperature Reconstruction Across the Younger Dryas-Holocene Boundary in the Eastern Norwegian Sea.
  • Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Bjørklund, Kjell R & Cortese, Giuseppe (1997). Late Pleistocene-Middle Holocene radiolarian biostratigraphy, assemblages and paleotemperatures in the southeastern Norwegian Sea.
  • Kruglikova, Svetlana & Bjørklund, Kjell R (1995). The distribution of high rank Radiolarian taxa in recent sediments from the Norwegian Sea and Norwegian fjords: a quantitative and comparative evaluation.

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Publisert 31. mai 2011 09:45 - Sist endret 19. des. 2022 10:59


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