
Table 2. Possible systematic equivalences between:
Formica Corsi (1900)
Present paper (1992)
"reptiles (Aligatores) gigantescos"

Toxodon platensis

Mastodon giganteum (sic)


Glyptodon giganteum? (sic)

Glyptodon tuberculatus

Megatherium americanum

Mylodon robustus

Testudines indet.

Toxodon platensis

Gomphotheriidae indet.

?Arctodus sp.

Doedicurus clavicaudatus

Panochthus sp.

Megatherium americanum

Lestodon armatus et Glossotherium sp.

The only systematic information previous to this Catalogue on the collection was given by Formica Corsi (1900:298) who identified the following taxa as given in Table 2. The right column shows our own identifications of what we think corresponds to the same material.

Publisert 6. mars 2022 13:53