Interns from South Africa to Oslo

The BioDATA Advanced includes the exchange of student interns. Two 3-month MSc student internships (1 February - 30 April 2024) at the Natural History Museum, Univ. of Oslo, in biodiversity data skills and molecular methods.

Image may contain: World, Smile, Human, Gesture, Community.

Two students from South Africa were selected for their internship at the University of Oslo Natural History Museum from February to Aril 2024.

Raesibe Kgaphola and Sibusiso Mahlangu are invited to present their results at a small seminar on Friday 26th April.


Students from South Africa interested in visiting the University of Oslo Natural History Museum were invited to make contact with project partner SANBI-GBIF. Students for the internships were selected together with SANBI-GBIF.

BioDATA Advanced is an international project between Norway and South Africa that aims to support students in upper education in developing skills in biodiversity data management and publishing, in addition to the most modern molecular methods for monitoring biodiversity. The skills taught within BioDATA Advanced are important for carrying out the everyday tasks of a modern biologist, though many of these skills are not taught in higher education. This project also looks to strengthen the partnership between the South African Node of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (SANBI-GBIF) and the other BioDATA partners, through exchanges and enhanced collaborations on scientific projects of mutual interest.

We are hosting two student interns (MSc level) for two fully funded 4-month internships at the Natural History Museum, Univ. of Oslo from 1 February - 30 April 2024. The Natural History Museum (UiO-NHM) is located in the heart of downtown Oslo in Norway, with a research community involving over 80 scientists exploring different aspects of our world’s natural diversity. The interns will work closely with us at UiO-NHM during their stay and will be fully integrated into the respective research groups at UiO-NHM.

Flights and transport costs to and from Norway will be covered, as will housing, and a stipend will be provided for living expenses in Norway.

Useful information from UiO for international students.

For housing in Oslo, the contact point at the museum is Trude Schmidt Øvregard (or by email to or Student housing at SIO (UiO). The selected students can also explore housing alternatives at the portal to find suitable housing in Oslo.

Travel arrangements from South Africa to Oslo and return can be made by filling in the travel request form (PDF version) and sending this form by email to

Support with Visa support letters and reimbursement of Visa application costs can be directed by email to

Students may also contact the BioDATA team at UiO by email to, and may contact Fatima Parker-Allie at SANBI-GBIF

Published June 19, 2023 4:07 PM - Last modified Apr. 26, 2024 3:07 PM