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Nordic People and Plants

In this project we aim to rediscover Nordic plant traditions. Our sources span from Viking age sagas to modern day cookbooks.

Image may contain: Plant, Flower, Tree, Flowering plant, Heracleum (plant).
Garden angelica (Angelica archangelica) has been used as a vegetable. Photo: Opioła Jerzy, Wikimedia Commons

Throughout history, human interference has affected plant diversity. The Viking age is of particular interest. Plants, animals and people moved across vast distances during the Viking age. However, we have little knowledge about plant use during this period.

Written sources – a door opener

Plants have influenced how humans eat, dress and build their homes. In this project, we search through different written sources, such as plant names, archaeobotanical reports, iconographical sources and textual descriptions. We examine cookbooks, black books, floras and fairy tales. Is there a common usage in different sources? This might give us a clue to plant use in periods with no other data.

Irene Teixidor-Toneu, Anneleen Kool and Karoline Kjesrud looking through historical books together with curator Ernst Bjerke. Photo: Dag Inge Danielsen, UiO

When did plants arrive, what were they used for and how were they prepared?

We want to understand how humans have affected plant diversity in the past, through use, cultivation, transport and trade. Today’s weeds were yesterday’s valuables. We believe that increased plant knowledge among people in general is key to safeguard our Nordic plant traditions. Perhaps a Viking “weed” will form the basis of a staple food in the future.

Cultural evolution

We want to trace the cultural evolution of plant use from before the Viking age to today. How do we do this? We collected and systematized information from written and iconographic sources. This information constitutes the basis for a plant-use-database. This database enables further analyses, such as phylogenetics. In this case, the phylogeny is based on cultural traits (as opposed to genetics), such as words, plant names and uses, calibrated using plant knowledge.

Human – plant interactions

People depend on plants for food, fodder, medicine and materials. Plant use has influenced biodiversity and sometimes caused plant extinctions. A current worldwide decrease in plant diversity threatens ecosystems, and human health. Scandinavia has a limited number of threatened plants compared to other areas. People living here maintain a close relationship with nature and plants. Scandinavia is therefore an ideal place for studying past and current people-plant-dynamics. As a part of the project, a master student has looked at the effect and sustainability of harvesting edible plants.

Photo: Dr. Hagen Graebner
Hops (Humulus lupulus) was formerly believed to turn away harm or evil influences. Photo: Dr. Hagen Graebner, Wikimedia Commons

Citizen science

Parts of the project have relied on interaction with nonprofessionals. With a citizen science approach, we aim to increase plant knowledge among people in general. Furthermore, the project is a collaboration between the humanities and natural sciences. This cooperation is necessary for a comprehensive understanding of human relationships with plants.

Funding and collaborators

Nordic People and Plants is a research project funded by the SAMKUL program of the Research Council of Norway. The project is run by Natural History Museum in collaboration with the Historical museum (2018-2026). Other collaborators are the Max Planck Institute, the University of Bristol, Maemo Restaurant and the Norwegian Association for Mycology and Foraging (Norges Sopp- og nyttevekstforbund, NSNS).

Read more (mostly in Norwegian):

Svartebøker og gammel folketro inspirerer moderne medisin, (2023)

Frø - Nordic seed heros (2023)

Veileder for bærekraftig sanking (2023)

Rasende vikingkrigere kan ha vært i urte-rus, (27. september 2019)

Forskere tror vikingene spiste mer planter enn kjøtt og fisk, (7. september 2019)

Kartlegger bruk av planter fra vikingtiden til i dag, (7. september 2019)

Disse blomstene spiste vikingene (27. august 2019)

Vikingenes urtehager blir gjenåpnet av forskere, (19. februar 2019)

Forskarar skal spore plantebruk tilbake til vikingtida, (20. februar 2019)

Stort tverrfaglig prosjekt skal lære oss om vikingenes plantebruk, (17. oktober 2018)

Millionstøtte til nytt tverrfaglig forskningsprosjekt ved Naturhistorisk Museum, (10. juni 2018)

Vikingenes grønne arv strutter av liv og lære, (4. juli 2015)

Forskere skal kartlegge vikingenes plantebaserte kosthold, (7. september 2019)

Learn more: (in English)

Teixidor-Toneu, Rediscovering and Safeguarding Nordic Ethnobotanical Heritage, 1h Lecture at Studium Generale, Wageningen University (28. january 2020)


  • Blakeney, Rebecca Angelica; Teixidor-Toneu, Irene; Kjesrud, Karoline & Kool, Anneleen (2023). Finding Medieval Medicine Through Archaeobotany: An Ontological Approach. Environmental Archaeology. ISSN 1461-4103. doi: 10.1080/14614103.2023.2202933.
  • Teixidor Toneu, Irene; Westengen, Ola Tveitereid; Ulian, Tiziana; McMillion, Andrew; Lorimer, Matthias & Grace, Olwen [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2023). Co-conserving Indigenous and local knowledge systems with seeds. Trends in Plant Science. ISSN 1360-1385. 28(12), p. 1370–1378. doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2023.06.020.
  • Kjesrud, Karoline; Olsen, Luka Natassja; Teixidor Toneu, Irene; Sandstedt, Jade Jørgen Michael; Kool, Anneleen & Christiansen, Linda (2023). Plant Remains as Sources to Cultural History in Southeast Norway. In Ødegaard, Marie Kjærnet & Ystgaard, Ingrid (Ed.), Complexity and dynamics : Settlement and landscape from the Bronze Age to the Renaissance in the Nordic Countries (1700 BC–AD 1600). Sidestone Press. ISSN 9789464270426. Full text in Research Archive
  • Kjesrud, Karoline (2022). Divine intervention in the preparations of food and drink in Old Norse Culture. In Gyönki, Viktória & Maraschi, Andrea (Ed.), Food Culture in Medieval Scandinavia. Amsterdam University Press. ISSN 978-94-6298-821-7. p. 53–74.
  • Teixidor Toneu, Irene; Giraud, Nicolas J.; Karlsen, Pål; Annes, Alexis & Kool, Anneleen (2022). A transdisciplinary approach to define and assess wild food plant sustainable foraging in Norway. Plants, People, Planet. ISSN 2572-2611. doi: 10.1002/ppp3.10332. Full text in Research Archive
  • Ulriksen, Emilie Steinbakk; Butt, Hussain Shakeel; Ohrvik, Ane; Blakeney, Rebecca Angelica; Kool, Anneleen & Wangensteen, Helle [Show all 8 contributors for this article] (2022). The discovery of novel immunomodulatory medicinal plants by combination of historical text reviews and immunological screening assays. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. ISSN 0378-8741. 296. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2022.115402. Full text in Research Archive
  • de Groot, Willemien; van Andel, Tinde; Kool, Anneleen; Hazenberg, Margret; Kjesrud, Karoline & Teixidor Toneu, Irene (2022). The 16th-19th Century Soundtoll Registers Online: Uncovering Traded Plant Diversity between the North and the Baltic Seas. Economic Botany. ISSN 0013-0001. 76, p. 285–299. doi: 10.1007/s12231-022-09550-x.
  • Teixidor Toneu, Irene; Kool, Anneleen; Greenhill, Simon J.; Kjesrud, Karoline; Sandstedt, Jade & Manzanilla, Vincent [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2021). Historical, archaeological and linguistic evidence test the phylogenetic inference of Viking-Age plant use. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. ISSN 0962-8436. 376(1828). doi: 10.1098/rstb.2020.0086. Full text in Research Archive
  • Giraud, Nicolas; Kool, Anneleen; Karlsen, Pål & Teixidor-Toneu, Irene (2021). From trend to threat? Assessing the sustainability of wild edible plant foraging by linking local perception to ecological inference. bioRxiv. ISSN 2692-8205.
  • Teixidor Toneu, Irene (2020). Sweetness and Loss: An Urgent Call for Affiliative Modes of Living. Journal of Ethnobiology. ISSN 0278-0771. 40(3), p. 283–288. doi: 10.2993/0278-0771-40.3.283.
  • Teixidor Toneu, Irene; Kjesrud, Karoline; Bjerke, Ernst; Parekh, Krupali Ashok & Kool, Anneleen (2020). From the “Norwegian Flora” (Eighteenth Century) to “Plants and Tradition” (Twentieth Century): 200 Years of Norwegian Knowledge about Wild Plants. Economic Botany. ISSN 0013-0001. doi: 10.1007/s12231-020-09507-y.
  • Teixidor Toneu, Irene; Kjesrud, Karoline & Kool, Anneleen (2020). Sweetness Beyond Desserts: The Cultural, Symbolic, and Botanical History of Angelica (Angelica archangelica) in the Nordic Region. Journal of Ethnobiology. ISSN 0278-0771. 40(3), p. 289–304. doi: 10.2993/0278-0771-40.3.289.
  • Kool, Anneleen & Poulsen, Axel Dalberg (2019). Joining transdisciplinary forces to revive the past: Establishing a Viking Garden at the Natural History Museum, Oslo. In Bjerregaard, Peter (Eds.), Exhibitions as Research - Experimental Methods in Museums. Routledge. ISSN 9781315627779. doi: 10.4324/9781315627779-3.

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  • Høeg, Ove Arbo; Kool, Anneleen & Karlsen, Pål (2021). Planter og tradisjon. Kolofon Forlag AS. ISBN 9788230021743. 751 p.
  • Teixidor Toneu, Irene & Kool, Anneleen (2020). Se en plante! Natural History Museum of Oslo. ISBN 978-82-7970-110-1. 13 p.

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  • Linn, Gjellesvik Andresen; Fostad, Oddmund; Lofthus, Øystein; Østlie, Mai Linn; Høiland, Klaus & Kool, Anneleen (2023). Den store nyttevekstdagen - urtehagens dag.
  • Kool, Anneleen (2023). Botanisk hages fortid og fremtid.
  • Teixidor Toneu, Irene & Kool, Anneleen (2023). Co-conserving Indigenous and local knowledge systems with seeds.
  • Kool, Anneleen (2023). Mennesker og planter - Nordens plantetradisjoner i fortid og fremtid .
  • Kool, Anneleen (2023). Botaniske hagers rolle i dag.
  • Knapstad, Mari; Winther, Ina Teresa; Indergaard, Ingrid; Kool, Anneleen; Giraud, Nicolas J. & Teixidor Toneu, Irene [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2023). Veileder for bærekraftig sanking av nyttevekster.
  • Frisk, Charlotte; Kool, Anneleen & Teixidor Toneu, Irene (2023). Frø - Nordic seed heros . [Internet]. YouTube.
  • Ohrvik, Ane; Inngjerdingen, Kari Tvete; Inngjerdingen, Marit & Kool, Anneleen (2023). Middelaldermedisinen er tilbake. [Radio]. NRK P2.
  • Ohrvik, Ane; Inngjerdingen, Marit; Inngjerdingen, Kari Tvete & Kool, Anneleen (2023). Svartebøker og gammel folketro inspirerer moderne medisin. Apollon : Forskningsmagasin for Universitetet i Oslo. ISSN 0803-6926. p. 50–57.
  • Kool, Anneleen; Grønbech, Marit Elisabeth; Muskaug, Mai Linn; Bøckman, Petter & Ekrem, Gry (2022). Vikinghagens dag i Botanisk hage.
  • Kool, Anneleen (2022). Mennesker og planter - Tverrfaglig samarbeid om fortid og fremtid .
  • Kool, Anneleen (2022). Jumping the fence - Collaboration across disciplines and museum sections to study human-plant interactions .
  • Kool, Anneleen; Blakeney, Rebecca Angelica; Vedeler, Marianne; Grønbech, Marit Elisabeth; Serra, Daniel & Storaker, Anja [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2022). Mat fra middelalderen.
  • Kool, Anneleen (2022). a guided tour to the Botanical Garden.
  • Kool, Anneleen; Grønbech, Marit Elisabeth; Rui, Siri & Bjureke, Kristina (2022). Botanikk for barn: Spiselige ville planter.
  • Kool, Anneleen; Kjesrud, Karoline; Sandstedt, Jade & Teixidor-Toneu, Irene (2022). Combining historical, archaeological, linguistic, and ethnobotanical evidence to infer Viking-Age plant use .
  • Kool, Anneleen; Teixidor-Toneu, Irene & Kjesrud, Karoline (2022). Angelica archangelica: from Viking vegetable to Nordic delicacy - On safeguarding traditional knowledge in botanic gardens .
  • Kool, Anneleen (2022). Hagevisjoner.
  • Kool, Anneleen; Teixidor-Toneu, Irene & Kjesrud, Karoline (2022). Angelica archangelica: from Viking vegetable to Nordic delicacy - On safeguarding traditional knowledge in botanic gardens .
  • Kool, Anneleen (2022). Planter i middelalderens Oslo.
  • Teixidor Toneu, Irene & Kool, Anneleen (2022). Combining local and academic knowledge to define and assess wild food plant sustainable foraging in Norway.
  • Kjesrud, Karoline (2022). Planter i Middelalderens Oslo .
  • Teixidor Toneu, Irene (2022). Combining local and academic knowledge to define and assess wild food plant sustainable foraging in Norway.
  • Kool, Anneleen (2021). Mennesker og planter i fortid og fremtid .
  • Kool, Anneleen (2021). Mennesker og planter i fortid og fremtid.
  • Kool, Anneleen (2021). Mennesker og planter i fortid og fremtid .
  • Kool, Anneleen & Haugtrø, Beate (2021). Gammal plantekunnskap kan gje ny medisin. [Newspaper]. Avisa Hordaland.
  • Kool, Anneleen (2021). Drev vikingene hagebruk.
  • Kool, Anneleen & Haugtrø, Beate (2021). Gammal plantekunnskap kan gi ny medisin. [Newspaper]. Fjordabladet.
  • Kool, Anneleen & Vindegg, Gaute (2021). Smaker som spraker.
  • Kool, Anneleen & Haugtrø, Beate (2021). Gammal plantekunnskap kan gi ny medisin. [Newspaper]. Nationen.
  • Kool, Anneleen; Kjesrud, Karoline; Teixidor-Toneu, Irene & Sandstedt, Jade Jørgen (2021). Mennesker og planter i fortid og fremtid. In Høeg, Ove Arbo (Eds.), Planter og tradisjon. Kolofon Forlag AS. ISSN 9788230021743. p. B-1–B-4.
  • Kool, Anneleen & Arevya, - (2021). Vikings ate WHAT?!? Assassin's Creed Valhalla and Valheim - Interview w/ Botanist Anneleen Kool! [Internet]. Youtube.
  • Kool, Anneleen; Vedeler, Marianne & Kjesrud, Karoline (2021). Webinar Medieval Food Plants.
  • Kool, Anneleen; Danielsen, Dag Inge & Elgvin, Tore Oldeide (2021). Kvann: Søtsaken fra vikingtiden som forsvant – og gjenoppsto. [Internet].
  • Kool, Anneleen & Danielsen, Live S (2021). Planter i øl, fra vikingtid til i dag.
  • Kool, Anneleen; Grønbech, Marit Elisabeth; Muskaug, Mai Linn; Bøckman, Petter; Sattin, Nicolo & Blakeney, Rebecca Angelica [Show all 12 contributors for this article] (2021). Vikingdag i Botanisk hage.
  • Kool, Anneleen (2021). Mennesker og planter i fortid og fremtid .
  • Kool, Anneleen; Vindegg, Gaute; Danielsen, Dag Inge; Paulsen, Kristian & Elgvin, Tore Oldeide (2021). Vikingplanten som gjenerobrer kjøkkenet.
  • Kool, Anneleen; Muskaug, Mai Linn & Kimura, Kohichiro (2021). Mysterious Vikings. [TV]. NHK Japanese National Television.
  • Kool, Anneleen (2021). Plant dyes and historical botany.
  • Jordan, Fiona M.; Teixidor Toneu, Irene; Kool, Anneleen; Kjesrud, Karoline; Sandstedt, Jade Jørgen Michael & Greenhill, Simon J. [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2021). How did the Vikings use plants: Testing phylogenetic inference of past botanical cultures.
  • Jordan, Fiona M.; Teixidor Toneu, Irene; Kool, Anneleen; Kjesrud, Karoline; Sandstedt, Jade Jørgen Michael & Greenhill, Simon J. [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2021). Angelica and sorrel salad: Ethnobotanical, historical, linguistic and archaeological evidence for Viking-Age plant use.
  • Teixidor Toneu, Irene (2021). Nordic people and plants.
  • Kool, Anneleen (2020). Plants, people, and participation.
  • Teixidor Toneu, Irene (2020). Plants, people and care.
  • Teixidor Toneu, Irene (2020). Nordic People and Plants: Rediscovering and Safeguarding Nordic Ethnobotanical Knowledge.
  • Kool, Anneleen; Teixidor Toneu, Irene & Kjesrud, Karoline (2020). Jumping the fence - Collaboration across disciplines and museum sections to study human-plant interactions .
  • Kool, Anneleen & Christensen, Lina (2020). Nytteplantenes renessanse. [Business/trade/industry journal]. Forskerforum.
  • Kool, Anneleen & Smedsrud, Morten Skipenes (2020). Smaker på vikingenes planter. [Internet].
  • Kjesrud, Karoline; Kool, Anneleen; Foldvik, Therese; Olsen, Luka Natassja & Dahl, June (2020). Medisinplanter i middelalderbyen Oslo.
  • Kool, Anneleen & Olsen, Luka Natassja (2020). Mennesker og planter:Nordensplantetradisjoner i fortid og fremtid.
  • Kool, Anneleen & Smedsrud, Morten Skipenes (2020). Smaker på vikingenes planter. [Business/trade/industry journal]. Apollon.
  • Kjesrud, Karoline; Foldvik, Therese; Dahl, June & Olsen, Luka Natassja (2020). Planter til mat og medisin i middelalderen.
  • Kool, Anneleen (2020). Mennesker og planter.
  • Kjesrud, Karoline (2020). Plant knowledge from the past for the future. .
  • Teixidor Toneu, Irene & Kool, Anneleen (2020). Nordic plant uses from Gunnerus and Høeg. Version 1.4.
  • Kool, Anneleen & Kjørstad, Elise (2020). What did the Vikings really eat?
  • Kool, Anneleen & Kjørstad, Elise (2020). Hva spiste egentlig vikingene? [Internet].
  • Parekh, Krupali; Carlsen, Eira; Kool, Anneleen; Teixidor Toneu, Irene; Kjesrud, Karoline & Grønbech, Marit Elisabeth [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2020). Humle gjennom tidene.
  • Kjesrud, Karoline & Foldvik, Therese (2020). Planter fra fortid til fremtid.
  • Kool, Anneleen & Disney, Walt (2019). Frozen II. [TV]. Hollywood.
  • Teixidor Toneu, Irene & Jerstad, Mari (2019). Irene Teixidor-Toneu And The Nordic Companion Angelica.
  • Kool, Anneleen (2019). Viking-assisted plant dispersal and the role of public outreach in research.
  • Kool, Anneleen; Kjesrud, Karoline & Vindegg, Gaute (2019). Fra vikingkost til Michelin-stjerner.
  • Kjesrud, Karoline (2019). Øl, lin og løk og magiske ritualer.
  • Kjesrud, Karoline (2019). Nordic People and Plants: early stages.
  • Bleken, Halfdan; Kjesrud, Karoline & Borgen, Linn Willetts (2019). Fra stavkirke til Lambda: norske signalbygg gjennom 1000 år. [Radio]. NRK P2.
  • Kool, Anneleen; Kjesrud, Karoline; Teixidor Toneu, Irene & Danielsen, Dag Inge (2019). Kartlegger bruk av planter fra vikingetiden til i dag. [Internet]. Forskningsdagene website.
  • Kjesrud, Karoline; Kool, Anneleen & Teixidor Toneu, Irene (2019). Nordic People and Plants. Rediscovering and Safeguarding Nordic Ethnobotanical Heritage.
  • Kool, Anneleen & Moe Disteler, Marit (2019). Hamp: miljøvennlig fiber eller rusmiddel? [Journal]. Aftenposten Innsikt.
  • Kool, Anneleen; Kjesrud, Karoline; Teixidor Toneu, Irene; Vindegg, Gaute & Danielsen, Dag Inge (2019). Kartlegger bruk av planter fra vikingtiden. [Newspaper].
  • Kjesrud, Karoline (2019). Plant Medicine in Medieval Scandinavia.
  • Teixidor Toneu, Irene (2019). Comparative phylogenetic methods and the cultural evolution of medicinal plant use.

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Tags: people, plants, ethnobotany, interdisciplinary, vikings, philology, archeobotany, plant history, iconography, cooking, medieval
Published Apr. 12, 2022 8:26 AM - Last modified June 17, 2024 2:16 PM