GEco group trip to Jeløy

Beautiful Jeløya was last week's destination for a GEco outing, looking for new field sites and discussing our ongoing and future research.

The GEco group is involved in many research activities, like NiN development, the Norwegian GBIF node and ecological climatology research through involvement in LATICE and the EMERALD project. At Jeløya, we discussed needs for new field sites that are useful for all these activities as a basis for synergy, and looked at the vegetation and landscape of Jeløya.


GEco members at Jeløy Radio.



Emneord: field sites, Ecology, GBIF, NiN, Ecological climatology Av E.L. Eriksen
Publisert 13. mai 2019 11:04 - Sist endret 26. mars 2024 13:25